Jacob Shipley is a copywriter in Los Angeles who’s made campaigns for CoxPrizePicks, and Orgain, and before that, made student campaigns for Voodoo Doughnut, Burger King, Men’s Wearhouse, and AriZona Tea at the University of Texas, where he also made dumb promo videos for UT’s portfolio school, but now he doesn’t go to school, so he spends his free time trolling LinkedIn, writing one-liner movie reviews, recording fake radio shows, and reminiscing about making stop motion Geico ads when he was 14, and if that’s not enough information for you to steal his identity and gain access to his numerous personal banking accounts, all of which are growing at unbelievable rates that you can’t even imagine, you can read his resume or send suspicious emails to jacobshipley9000@gmail.com.

Burger King

What’s a king without a kingdom? To prove BK’s dedication to doing everything the real way, we set out to establish a new, totally real country for the King to rule.

Case study video

Step 1: Land

In accordance with the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, we pinpointed a relatively shallow portion of international waters just 200 nautical miles off the coast of Brazil—the perfect place to construct a new island from real island ingredients.

Step 2: The Quest

Step 3: Government

The government of Burger will be operated remotely from our embassy conveniently located across the street from Burger King’s headquarters in Miami, staffed with real social media experts and political visionaries.

Step 4: Citizenship

To create a streamlined and open path to citizenship, Burger King will release the Burgarian Whopper. Order in the app to receive a real, official document to certify your citizenship as a Burgarian. 

After ordering, the King will humbly ask his citizens to sign a petition to the UN to recognize Burger as a nation.

Made with Reyden Weis at the University of Texas.